- ATTEND the live event in Colorado Springs
- HOST an event
- FIND an event in your community
- WATCH from the comfort of your home
On October 18-19, the National Day of Prayer will broadcast the first 24-hour PrayerCast, featuring the foremost teachers on prayer to equip and mobilize via streaming video through a state-of-the-art webcast. This special event will be FREE but you are encouraged to form or a join a group in your area at a local prayer meeting or church assembly. Speakers will interact live with viewers and answer questions submitted via social media. The goal is to reach millions across the globe with the knowledge and understanding of prayer and its application.
A specially designed studio with PrayerCast program facilitators will instruct viewers with details on the downloadable materials. They will also take questions from registered group hosts (through a special Twitter feed). This will enable groups to participate from any location in the country. At points throughout the program, viewers will be connected to locations throughout the world – from the LIVE event in Colorado Springs to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City to the prayer center in Australia – all LIVE and uncut. Once the live events have concluded, viewers will have a chance to continue their education at any point throughout the evening with pre-recorded content and highlight messages from the National Day of Prayer video vault. Speakers will include Greg Laurie, Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Dr. David Jeremiah, Beth Moore, Franklin Graham, Kay Arthur, Rebecca St. James, Third Day, Joni Eareckson Tada, Shirley Dobson and more. Then, the program will resume Saturday morning with LIVE, interactive events.
Prayerfully consider hosting a local event, which could complement your regional training efforts or make plans to join us in Colorado Springs for what is sure to be a God-blessing, inspirational experience. Click here to learn more and sign-up>
- John Bornschein, Vice Chairman